Thursday, November 6, 2008

What do you think of Springfield's downtown?

O.K., so this is a little bit off of the subject of shoes, but as a downtown business owner, I wanted to get some feedback from you all -- what works and what doesn't, what you like and dislike, and what you would like to see happen downtown. I want to keep this positive, so if you point out problems, offer some possible solutions. If you don't have any solutions, then invite others to provide some suggestions.

That's all folks! I'll be looking forward to reading your opinions.



  1. As someone who used to work downtown, I appreciate the diversity of shops (even if I am uninterested in most) and I appreciate the diversity in restaurants. I believe most of my favorites are downtown establishments. I appreciate the farmer's market being present on Wednesdays and Saturdays during the season even if I do not like the congestion. The same goes for the variety of events and outdoor concerts and festivals.

    My biggest complaint is parking. I am not opposed to paying to park but there are few enough on street spaces which seem to have some rotating third of them closed at any given time. More on street parking or cheap off-street alternatives are needed. Some one way streets could make half the street angled parking as it is on Adams.

  2. Hi Amy, I would like the shops to stay open later or on Saturdays so someone like me could shop there as I work far away and only get home after 6pm and Sat and Sun. Darla
